Let's TalkAppointments
Dr. McMillin is accepting new patients for virtual visits and in person at Village Medicine in Seattle. For more information, visit my bio page. To set up an appointment, please register as a new patient here. Once registered you can easily request an appointment through the portal. Need help or have questions? Email us: [email protected] Speaking engagements
To contact Dr. McMillin regarding speaking engagements, teacher and parent education, podcast requests, or if you have additional questions, please fill out the contact form below or send an email to: [email protected] |
Now scheduling new patients for virtual visits
and at Village Medicine in Seattle
Dr. McMillin is now accepting new patients.
See below for office hours and locations.
See below for office hours and locations.
Virtual VisitsTelehealth visits available to patients in Washington State
Please note: Online scheduling is a request for appointment. If approved, a confirmation of the appointment will be emailed to you.
Seattle Clinic(At Village Medicine)
5600 14th Ave NW Seattle, WA 98107 206.919.0175 In-person clinic hoursSelect Tuesdays 10-5
Please note: Online scheduling is a request for appointment. If approved, a confirmation of the appointment will be emailed to you.
Insurance and Pricing
Dr. McMillin is now a participating provider in Premera and Regence networks.
Naturopathic and Integrative Medicine are often under- or un-covered by insurance.
All insurance plans are different with regards to what they will and will not pay for. Your plan may have unique policies, exclusions, provider-type rules, and/or differences in coverage determined by companies or even the state.
More detailed information on insurance and billing policies, along with information on appointment pricing, can be found here.
Naturopathic and Integrative Medicine are often under- or un-covered by insurance.
All insurance plans are different with regards to what they will and will not pay for. Your plan may have unique policies, exclusions, provider-type rules, and/or differences in coverage determined by companies or even the state.
More detailed information on insurance and billing policies, along with information on appointment pricing, can be found here.